
If you read my last post, then you are aware that Beanie recently passed away from old age. Beanie was the inspiration for this blog. I wanted to share all the cool things I was creating for her with everyone.

I realized I love sharing hamster-related information, my DIYs, and experiences with you, and I want to continue spreading correct hamster information to people all over the internet through my blog posts. So yes, I am going to continue posting weekly, and I hope you’ll stick around!

And yes, I am planning to adopt another hamster in the future! Just bear with me, because my life right now is really hectic, and I can’t get a hamster for a few months. There are also things I want to do differently the next time, but that’s a topic for another day. A few topics, actually 😉

I do plan to keep our title as ‘Beanie the Hamster,’ in honor of Beanie. After all, we wouldn’t be here without her, would we?

I’ll keep y’all posted, and per usual if you’re interested in hamster-related content be sure to like this post and follow the blog, and I’ll be back on Tuesday with more small pet care, DIYs, recipes, cage setups, stories and more, have a ham-tastic day!

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