Tag: Beanie the Hamster

Stop Giving Pets As Presents

For OwnersHamster-Related ContentPet Owning Easiera pet you can give as a giftanimalsanother optionBeanie the Hamsterbuy them supplies insteadbuying a surprise pet for yourselfcareChristmasconclusiongiftshamster gerbil mouseholidayspetspresentssmall petstop giving pets as presentsWhen you can buy someone an animalwhy you shouldn't give a pet as a gift

It’s the holiday season: the time of giving and receiving presents from family and friends. Animals are often given as presents, but really shouldn’t ever be considered a surprise gift. Today I’m going to explain why and offer some alternatives to giving an animal as a present!

For Those Considering Getting A Hamster

For OwnersHamster CarePet Owning EasierabilityBeanieBeanie the Hamstereverything you need to know about hamstersfundsgerbilHamsterI want a hamsterinterestknowledgelifestylemousepet hamstersmall pettime

Hamsters make awesome pets for most people, and there are plenty of reasons to get one as a companion. However, not all people are going to make good hamster owners. In this post, we’re going to talk about if you would be a good hamster owner, or if you should consider a different pet.

The November Cage Makeover (2020)

About UsCage MakeoverEnriching Your Small PetInformation About Beanie2020BeanieBeanie the Hamsterbincage for hamstercagediyDIY hamster toyshamster cage cleanhamster cage makeover 2020Hamster Caremakeovernovembersetup

Hello and welcome to this month’s cage makeover! I post a cage deep clean and makeover post the first week of each month. That way I can share my setup ideas with you, and freshen Beanie’s cage with a new and enriching DIY based setup for her!